Welcome to the Ann Arbor page for World IA Day 2014! We're excited to have an awesome slate of speakers, whom you can find out a bit more about below. The location this year will be the Modern Language Building, Auditorium 4, at 812 E Washington St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Registration starts at 8.30am, and the event will start at 9.30am.
Please use the purple button above to 'Register to Attend'. You can also use this link here:http://www.eventbrite.com/e/world-ia-day-ann-arbor-tickets-9467721209.
Ann Arbor's event is coordinated by SOCHI at U of M. A huge thank you to this year's planning committee, without whom this event would not be possible: Inma Aleixos Borras, Kristin Boyer, Cody Haro, Chris Kelley, Kruthi Sabnis Krishna, Florence Lee, Somesh Rahul, Claire Tatro, Krishna Vadrevu, Lan VoBa, Joe Voss, Stephanie Wooten
Venue, parking and transit
The location this year will be the Modern Language Building, Auditorium 4, at 812 E Washington St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Registration starts at 8.30am, and the event will start at 9.30am.
Form Follows Forces
We live in a world where tens of millions of people are spending forty or more hours each month in places made of information.
Some of those places are better than others.
With the ones we like the most, there’s often something about the interplay between “envelope” and “content” that’s key to unlocking the genius of the thing. Imitators re-skin and re-combobulate themselves within days if not hours of the mass-adoption of a competing product or service. The resulting cacophony of minimally viable products clad in the look and feel of so-and-so’s experience model while structured according to such-and-such’s delivery model is why we increasingly find the places we inhabit digitally to be disconcerting. Form and function aren't working in harmony with one another: they merely co-occur.
In the world we live in today, with its ubiquitous overlays and under-girdings of information, how would you know if the form of what you’re working on is helping or getting in the way of its purpose and meaning?
Covert and Klyn have spent the last 6 months studying the forces that are at work in contemporary web design practice, with an eye toward understanding how the operative conditions relate to the structures, surfaces and modalities selected in the realization of products and services. To the extent that the structural forms of the things we make and use are sometimes less appropriately tuned to their contexts of use and value than they ought to or could be, how would we measure the gap? And with regard to the interplay of structural form, contextual forces and the intended outcomes for a product or service, how do we ascertain what “good” means?
Undiscovered Public Knowledge & IA
This talk will show the role IA can play in making new discoveries and accelerating innovation in a time where our skills are needed more than ever.
Inside the Caution Tape: Boundaries of Architectural Practice
Paul will discuss ways of thinking about the public good from the perspective of a profession bounded by licensure. In addition to addressing the systems from which professionals work to achieve socially desirable ends, the discussion will take an indirect approach in addressing minimal requirements for claims to serving as agent of good in a society in need.
Lightning Talks
A series of 5 minute lightning talks from Claire Barco, Michael Beasley, Sean Marshall, Vanessa Moore, & Juan Pasquier.
Architecting the Information of Society: from Projects to Pursuit
How we will shop: ubiquitous computing and the in-store shopping experience
A wave of new technologies are working to embed computation into the retail environment. This means new kinds of in-store devices. It means new ways of understanding how people shop. It means technologies that communicate with smartphones, tablets, and other personal devices. But what it really means is that stores will be designed with computation as an integral part of the shopping experience.
The technologies are here. Estimote Beacons, for example, are distributed wireless sensors that can be used for indoor navigation support, proximity marketing, and contact-less payment. And iOS7 includes iBeacons, a technology for seamlessly connecting multiple devices in a close-range physical spaces.
You know how to design an e-commerce app, but how do you design for this?