World IA Association is a nonprofit volunteer organization that hosts a 1-day annual event and organizes mentoring and research projects centered around the practice of information architecture.

Volunteer with Us
Our global team of talented volunteers makes World IA Day a memorable and successful event each year. We are actively seeking volunteers who can curate content, manage social media, edit/produce videos, translate content, and more!
Learn about volunteer opportunities

Host a Local Event
Local organizers plan for months to organize an event based on our global theme that can be as simple as an informal gathering or as large as a conference. Each event is unique and centered around bringing value to the community and awareness to the practice of information architecture.
Learn about hosting

Speak at an Event
Educational talks are a core aspect of World IA Day. Experts and community leaders share their knowledge on information architecture so that we can all learn and discuss.
Do you have a topic related to information architecture and this year’s global theme (Curiosity)? Want to share it with the world? We’d love to hear from you.
Learn about speaking

Partner with Us
We strive to grow the community with affordable talks and activities aimed at professionals across all levels. Our goal is to make information architecture accessible to everyone.
Corporate partnerships and individual donations help create shared value. If you are in the United States, donations and sponsorships are tax-deductible.
Learn about sponsoring

Join Our Community
Don’t be fooled by the name “World IA Day,” we’re not just a once a year celebration. We have various year-round events planned, like education programs and workshops.
Stay involved and updated by joining our active World IA Day Discord server.
Join our Discord server