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Ready to WIAD24 Barcelona!

WIAD is coming back to Barcelona for another in-person event to celebrate the World of Information Architecture Day. This year the theme is Context, discover with us what this means on Saturday, the 2nd of March, 2024.

Join us for a half day of talks, a panel, networking, and friends.

The speakers scheduled to participate in this event are:

We're absolutely delighted to have them as our guests for this event :aplauso:

After several years without having this event in person, we're finally going to gather again to share ideas about Information Architecture, UX, network, and enjoy this day together :cohete:


This year, we're joined by the UX Salon BCN in organizing the event, making it even more special.


You will need to register a ticket for the event through Meetup to attend.


Follow WIAD Barcelona on LinkedIn, and Twitter to keep up to date with the latest news.

We're looking forward to seeing you there :corazón_azul:


The WIAD24 BCN team 

Ps. We are charging a small fee for this event only to cover the costs of running the event 🙏


Event date
Sat, 2 March 2024

Venue, parking and transit


C/ de Pamplona, 96, Sant Martí,



Google Map

Nearest Metro: Marina [L1]



( * We may make some small adjustments to the agenda.)

10:00 - ENTRANCE: Registration.

10:20 - WELCOME: Introductions, energizer, and Keynote.

10:40 - PANEL:  Mario Ferrer, Patricia Gómez Jurado, Helena Feliu, and Sergio Valero Notari. "How content design provides context to the user experience".

11:05 - BREAK

11:20 - TALK 1: Eugenia Jongewaard. "How designers can be the catalyst of change".

12:05 - TALK 2: Turo López Sanabria. "The source of Truth is... Context".

12:20 - BREAK

12:35 - TALK·3: Kevin Hawkins. "How to Design Products for Everyone".


13:40- END

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