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Johannesburg 2018

South Africa



Saturday, February 24, 2018


TWITTER: @wiad_jhb

• What to bring
Notebooks, pens, thinking caps and social networking skills.

• Important to know
Attendees are welcome to join the event free of charge :)

Event date
Sat, 24 February 2018

Venue, parking and transit

University of Johannesburg, Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture

45 Bunting Rd, Cottesloe, Johannesburg, 2092



8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Meet & greet

Have a cuppa and meet other attendees. 

9:00 AM - 9:10 AM

Welcome and IA Today address

Jason Hobbs - Director of Human Experience Design and member of the IA Institute

9:10 AM - 9:30 AM

Designing information architectures for social hope

Presented By Rennie Naidoo - Associate Professor at the University of Pretoria

Designers of information architectures are witnessing extraordinary breakdowns and volatility in financial markets, climate change, race relations, religious relations, overpopulation, species extinction, deforestation, and tense international relations. The purpose of this presentation is to stimulate debate about the role of information architects in the midst of this polycrisis. The presentation will draw on the intellectual perspectives of Neil Postman, John Gray and Richard Rorty to appeal to information architects to reflect on the role they can play in building a more sustainable future.

9:30 AM - 9:50 AM

Semantic Formations in Design Thinking

Presented By Jason Hobbs - Director of Human Experience Design

This presentation will share research Jason has been conducting over the past year into the relationship between IA and Design Thinking.

9:50 AM - 10:10 AM

Laying the groundwork for good

Presented by Graham Fenn - UX Lead at Standard Bank

Anyone who has worked in software development can tell you how hard it can to navigate the gauntlet of obstacles thrown your way as we try to change the status quo. Seemingly minor changes have a big impact on the entire ecosystem.

As our industry matures, what have we learned creating an environment in which an idea can be successful? What work do we still need to do to grow our industry and solve some of our own big hairy problems?

10:10 AM - 10:30 AM

Turning the data inside out: towards a UX framework for Business Intelligence front-end applications.

Presented By Chrisna Jooste - UX Lead at Liberty's dHub

Numerous frameworks have been developed for representing and evaluating the user experience (UX) of digital systems. However, no UX framework representing business intelligence and specifically business intelligence dashboards could be found. This lack of frameworks institutionalized in practice is the gap addressed in the study. The context of the study is that of software development in an agile environment within the insurance industry.

10:40 AM - 11:00 AM


Time to stretch your legs and grab another cuppa...

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

Disembodied language: ethnography, interpretation and influence on user realities

Presented By Kate van Niekerk - Content Strategist & UX Researcher at Freethinking Business Consultants

Ethnography as a tool for UX research allows us a window into the world of our users and the meaning they make out of their everyday lived experiences. However, we also have the potential to misinterpret these insights through our own biases, and the power to push our users into the structures of language and classification that we design for them.

11:20 AM - 11:40 AM

The importance of context in creating a good IA

Presented by Samantha Winfield - UX / UI Designer at Entelect

Context is hugely important in all areas of design and can be a make or break factor. This is especially the case in information architecture. There are many techniques and methods used by UX designers to establish the information architecture for a product but overlooking something as important as context can mean the difference between a successful product and a failure.

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM

Pon Di Riddim: Dancehall and Design Systems

Presented by Chan Mukahanana - UI Lead at Freethinking Business Consultants

Through an exploration of Jamaican dancehall music, Chan finds unexpected lessons for teams and designers that are setting up and using design systems.

12:00 PM - 12:20 PM

Empowering Zambian farmers with technology

Presented by Sidhika Sooklal & Luci Badenhorst at Praekelt Consulting

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