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Saint Petersburg, Russia

Saint Petersburg 2019




Information architects, user interfaces, user experience and interaction designers will gather this day in Saint Petersburg for talks, discussions and tasty coffee in the office of SEMrush. Join us! The working language of this WIAD branch is Russian, but most of attendees and presenters speak English. So, you could join us even if you are in Saint Petersburg just occasionally. Attendance free, registration required.

Live stream link will be published on the day of event.

Информационные архитекторы, специалисты по проектированию пользовательских интерфейсов, дизайнеры соберутся в этот день в Санкт-Петербурге чтобы послушать доклады коллег, пообщаться и выпить вкусного кофе. Ждем вас в уютном офисе компании SEMrush! Участие в конференции бесплатное, регистрация обязательна.

Ожидается прямая трансляция. Ссылка будет опубликована в день мероприятия.

Event date
Sat, 23 February 2019

Venue, parking and transit

Адрес: Санкт-Петербург, Заставская ул., 22-А, офис компании SEMrush.

SEMrush HQ, 22-A, Zastavskaya st., Saint Petersburg, Russia



Official opening


Unified IA for a multi-app product: research, management and documentation

Sheila Sheikh — UX architect, MyOffice

Unified IA for a multi-app product: research, management and documentation
Distributed design and development of a complex multi-app product can lead to serious inconsistencies in product's looks and behaviour. I will show our method of resolving these inconsistencies in an existing product by building the unified IA: how to obtain data, organize it and use it in UX documentation.


MVP for IA of a big project

Alena Anishchenko — UX-designer, SEMrush

How we realized that a big project needs AI and took the first steps in it.


Voice for good

Nelly Kam — Product Designer, Alan AI

Process of creation and tech aspects of the tool that builds voice user interface on the top of enterprise's UI to make them more accessible.


Design for Diversity: configuration and DSL instead of hard code according to requirements

Maxim Tsepkov — Information architect & Agile expert,

I'll told about balance between two approach for design: universal constructor of data structure, algorithm and interface form, based on metadata, and hard code realization precisely according to requirements. This balance achieved due to DSL and configuration in the spots of diversity and evolution of software system.


Long break


Why should UX & NLP work jointly?

Ekaterina Yulina — Lead UX designer, Just AI
Darya Serdyuk NLP engineer, Just AI

What sort of projects can be done by UX designer and NLP engineer? How do the differences of their professional experiences effect the project and influence the experts' minds. What can UX designer do if there are only 40 hours to improve the user interface for specific disciplines?


Project Management Information Architecture

Sergei Petrov — Supply chain UX designer, OZON.RU

A short theoretical essay about how to apply IA framework not only to a Product but also to a Project — the process of building the Product.


Information architecture of evolving systems

Lara Simonova — Information architect at Emerging Technology Group of Christie’s auction house, Channelkit co-founder

While developing logic of complex systems information architects investigate the domain, spot and describe the whole scope of relevant factors influencing the product. Those factors underlie IA-basis which supports system's sustainability and usage in different contexts. But domains tend to evolve over time. So do contexts. Thus the basis should be flexible too. Let's talk about an approach to attend this temporal plasticity of information architectures.




States, modes and their selection interpretation in professional software UIs

Alexander Ovcharenko — UX Lead, Wartsila Voyage Solutions

How our perception affects interpretation of information in limited constraints, and what are the consequences.


How to ensure accessibility when 100 teams work on the product

Valeria Kurmak — Lead analyst, Sberbank

How to ennsure accessibility when 100 teams work on the product 
Sberbank has 100 million clients, 20 of them have special needs. Development of accessible products is not easy because the bank has a complicated structure and more than 100 teams work on the product. In my presentation I’ll describe what we do to ensure accessibility: the guideline, product development process, the design system, the blind tester and other things we do.


Project information strucrure, the model of

Anna Abramova — Business analyst, Data Art

We all are different, we play different roles in our project work, and we are focused on different tasks
and we – product managers, project managers, analysts, UX, QA – may be speaking on different
languages. Nevertheless, we should work together to achieve big goals. To work together effectively we
need a joint informational context to understand each other . I bring to your attention a model for the
construction of such a context. First in your own mind and later in your work.
The model contains 3 responsibility levels – business, design, realization, - and 3 focuses of attention:
current, control, environment. In common it splits all project information into limited 9 parts which one
person can manage in most projects.

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