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WIAD2025 in Zurich is happening soon!

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And get your ticket for the workshop and/or the conference in Zurich:

Event date
Thu, 6 March 2025



Thursday, 6 March 2025

13:30 – 17:30

Design AI Prompts and Workflows to Improve User Journeys (Workshop)

AI is the biggest change to our domain since its creation. However, it can also be a tool to help you plan for change. In… Read more

Portrait of Noz Urbina

Noz Urbina
Designer, Strategist, Podcaster, Lecturer


Saturday, 8 March 2025

13:00 – 13:30



13:30 – 13:45

Opening Session


13:45 – 14:15

Exaggerated Federalism? Why we designed 3 different solutions to the same problem.

Over the past 2 years, Angie has been involved in the information architecture of the websites of three major cantons in the North West of… Read more

Portrait of Angie Born

Angie Born
Lead Link Global Company Circle, Liip


14:15 – 14:45

Introducing UFMn 3.0: Making processes understandable with «User­flow Model and No­ta­ti­on»

«Userflow Model and Notation 3.0», or UFMn 3.0, is a project communication and collaboration booster for all stakeholders. Sandra co-authored this design library to visualize… Read more

Portrait of Sandra Hohl

Sandra Hohl
UX Architect, Senior IT Consultant, Erni


14:45 – 15:15

Can Everyone Shop? The Accessibility of Swiss Grocery Apps

Buying groceries online can be a game changer for people with disabilities ‒ but how accessible are Swiss grocery apps? In this talk, I’ll share… Read more

Portrait of Dimitri Wüest

Dimitri Wüest
UX Designer, Migros


15:15 – 15:45

Coffee Break


15:45 – 16:15

Designing an AR Viewer to Navigate Changing Geospatial Information Needs

In this talk, we report on the results of a project conducted in collaboration with and supported by the Swiss Innovation Agency Innosuisse. It… Read more

Portrait of Anton Fedosov

Anton Fedosov
Professor of Digital Experience Design, IIT FHNW

Portrait of Elif Gürçınar

Elif Gürçınar
Research Associate, IIT FHNW


16:15 – 16:45

AI as Design Material: Adapting to Create a Human-Centric Future

The age of AI is here, and it’s changing everything about how we design. No longer static or predictable, our design material is now intelligent,… Read more

Portrait of Pascal Geronimi

Pascal Geronimi
Change Agent, Puzzle ITC



Closing Session and Networking