Ph.D in Information Science, research area Information Architecture (2011-2015) at University of Brasilia, Brazil, with a five months internship at Jonkoping, Sweden. Supervisors: Mamede Lima-Marques and Andrea Resmini. Specialist in Information Technology Management (2008), master in Information Science, research area Information Architecture (2003-2005), and degree in IS also (1994-1999), all at University of Brasilia.
Director of the Capacity Building Institute of the Brazilian Court of Audit (2015 - today). It's a corporate university focused on training and knowledge management ( We coordinate also a Committee for Capacity Building of Latin American and the Caribbean SAIs ( One of the main areas of the university is the Centre for Research and Innovation (, where we do projects in colaboration with other universities and networking with innovation labs like Nesta ( One of our main goals is applying Design Thinking methodologies to solve complex problems in government. Another is acting in smart government initiatives in Brazil, promoting events and training (