Productivity During the Pandemic
Living in the unknown is and was difficult for me. Not being able to see whats ahead even by a few days is terrifying and paralyzing. So I did the best that I could carrying on each day. Eventually, I developed tools, strategies, coping mechanisms, and techniques that have helped me be more productive. Most importantly they have helped me be more forgiving of myself when I'm not as productive. Especially when my best laid plans vanish into thin air. Despite my struggles, this period has helped me learn more about myself and what I want out of my life than any other. It has helped me learn how to meet myself where I am. My goal is to share what I have learned and hope that in some way it can help you redefine what productivity means to you.
About Josh
Josh has been working in the tech industry for over 20 years. In that time he has had many roles such as designer, developer, manager, educator, and now entrepreneur. He has helped big brands as well as local businesses use technology to meet business goals and improve existing workflows.
Currently Josh is the Owner and Managing Director at Viable Industries. Viable is a creative technology studio that specializes in building systems and software with a focus on workflow automation, collaboration, data collection, and visualization. When Josh is not building technology he is either making music, woodworking, or exploring nature with his family.