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Shauntel Hall

User Experience Strategist & Designer, FOCUS Brands
Shauntel Hall
Shauntel Hall is a UX Strategist at FOCUS Brands where she works with leaders across the company’s 7 different restaurant brands to understand and evaluate individual business objectives and performance data/analytics to drive and deliver intuitive and innovative design solutions. In addition
 to this, she is working to define a process to identify and utilize sources of both in-store and digital customer feedback in an effort to achieve a more user-centered approach to product development.

Before FOCUS Brands, she worked. as a full-stack designer on an enterprise UX team at a Fortune 500 home improvement retailer. Shauntel completed General Assembly’s User Experience Design Immersive course in 2018 and received her Bachelor of Science in Journalism from Georgia Southern University in 2014. Prior pivoting to UX, she worked in a marketing capacity serving both agencies and nonprofits.