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WIAD Content Collection

There have been 10 editions of World IA Day since it started in 2012, with dozens of locations and hundreds of talks. And the story goes on! The Content Collection makes the talks available online - as recordings, slides or whatever material you are able to provide. We already have a basis on our current website

We want to grow the collection and its scope and make its interface more attractive. In particular, we would like to expand the range of locations providing material. We will transcribe and translate the talks into different languages and thus make them accessible to a far greater audience. Find more about the goals to grow the collection.

How can you contribute?

  • Make the content of your event available to the global WIAA organization. After the event, you will be able to fill in your information and upload your material.
  • Make sure the speakers agree with the publication of the talk in the content collection. You can use this speaker consent form.
  • Help with the quality assurance of the transcriptions and translations.

Let us know what you think! Email 


Why do we want to grow this collection?

For attendees and the general public

  • A stock of interesting talks 
  • To illustrate the scope and timeliness of IA and the topics it covers
  • To show the expanse and relevance of IA throughout the world and the diversity of communities

For organizers

  • A way of identifying interesting speakers and topics
  • An appreciation for speakers to be able to promote their talks with the authority of an internationally acknowledged organization
  • A resource to easily organize meetups or other formats around a recorded talk
  • A source of content for our newsletter - you might have noticed we already started this


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