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Designing for Sustainability. Deciding the future of Humanity.

Presented by:

Sergio Estella

The role designers have is becoming increasingly important as we observe the power we have in transforming people’s behaviour — for better and worse. We, therefore, must be mindful of our influence and make choices that let us use our skills, talents, and passion for good.

In this presentation, Sergio will share some ideas on how we can use design to create sustainable digital tools that help people understand and use data for the good of humanity. In particular, he will share examples of Vizzuality’s award-winning climate data visualisations that are informing national and international climate commitments related to SDG 13. From initial conversations to the selection of partners, techniques, and concepts, Sergio will cover the essential elements of creating a sustainable, transformational tool that inspires people to change their world.


February 2019


20 minutes

