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Thank you, Los Angeles! WIAD16 is over, but you can watch most of it on YouTube. Note: Jahmeilah Roberson's case studies from Riot Games had to be edited out for proprietary reasons.

World IA Day Los Angeles was held on Saturday, February 20th, 2016 at the Art Center College of Design, South Campus in Pasadena, California. 

Event date
Sat, 20 February 2016

Venue, parking and transit

Art Center College of Design, South Campus,
950 S. Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91105


The venue is a short walk south from the Fillmore Station of Metro Gold Line, and we have access to free parking in 3 lots at Art Center's south campus:


9:00 AM  Registration, morning snacks, and sponsor booths

  • Morning snacks and beverages are sponsored by Fjord, one of our Gold sponsors

10:00  Welcome

10:15-11:15  Art Center College of Design Panel: Maggie Hendrie, JD Buckley, Jenny Rodenhouse, and Todd Masilko

11:15-12:00  Hunter Ochs, Capital Group, Making Sense of Users: Audience Model 

  • In specialized industries such as financial services, audiences can be complex and unfamiliar to the design team. How do we understand them? Are personas always the answer? Hunter Ochs will share insights by taking us through the process for designing a mutual fund evaluation tool.

12:00-1:30 Lunch and sponsor booths

  • Lunch from Jalisco's Mobile Taco Grill is sponsored by Fandango, one of our Platinum sponsors.

1:30-2:30  ADP Panel: Erik Hanson, Burcu Bakioglu, and Roel Punzalan

  • Three user experience specialists from ADP’s new Innovation Center in Pasadena will be sharing their expertise on how to stay creative in a large enterprise organization, followed by panel discussion and Q&A. Featuring Erik Hanson, UX Manager; Burcu Bakloglu, Senior UX Researcher; and Roel Punzalan, Lead UX Designer.

2:30-3:15  Jod Kaftan and Chris Chandler, Fearless Futures: Why the IA's Journey Must Be a Hero's Journey

3:15-3:45  Afternoon break is sponsored by Perficient, one of our Gold sponsors.

3:45-4:30  Jahmeilah Roberson, Riot Games

  • Jahmeilah Roberson, an Experience Designer at Riot Games, will discuss the design decisions made for an immersive, online event where players' interactions permanently affected their later experiences with the system.

4:30-5:15 - Nate BoltFrom Food Stamps to Facebook: How Design Research Impacts Our World

  • Interaction design has a fascinating relationship with qualitative research. Everyone from the government to startups to tech giants now have teams of user researchers attempting to understand the way individuals, groups, and communities use their interfaces. We'll go over eight examples of current UX/design research patterns and the impact on products we use and the world around us. Examples will include the california state food assistance program; military radar interfaces, Facebook's approximately 100 UX researchers and what they do; and a few others that might surprise ya.

5:15 - Closing remarks

5:45 - Lights out

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Registration, morning snacks, and sponsor booths

Morning snacks and beverages is sponsored by Fjord, one of our Gold sponsors

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM


10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

Art Center College of Design Panel with Maggie Hendrie, JD Buckley, Jenny Rodenhouse, and Todd Masilko

Maggie Hendrie, chair of the interaction design program at Art Center, will facilitate a panel featuring three faculty members from the department: JD Buckley, Jenny Rodenhouse, and Todd Masilko

11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

Making Sense of Users: Audience Model

In specialized industries such as financial services, audiences can be complex and unfamiliar to the design team. How do we understand them? Are personas always the answer? Hunter Ochs will share insights by taking us through the process for designing a mutual fund evaluation tool.

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM


Lunch from Jalisco's Mobile Taco Grill is sponsored by Fandango, one of our Platinum sponsors.

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

ADP Panel: Erik Hanson, Burcu Bakioglu, and Roel Punzalan

  • Three user experience specialists from ADP’s new Innovation Center in Pasadena will be sharing their expertise on how to stay creative in a large enterprise organization, followed by panel discussion and Q&A. Featuring Erik Hanson, UX Manager; Burcu Bakloglu, Senior UX Researcher; and Roel Punzalan, Lead UX Designer.

2:30 PM - 3:15 PM

Fearless Futures: Why the IA's Journey Must Be a Hero's Journey​

Presented by Jod Kaftan and Chris Chandler

3:15 PM - 3:45 PM


Afternoon break is sponsored by Perficient, one of our Gold sponsors.

3:45 PM - 4:30 PM

Riot Games

Jahmeilah Roberson, an Experience Designer at Riot Games, will discuss the design decisions made for an immersive, online event where players' interactions permanently affected their later experiences with the system.

4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

From Food Stamps to Facebook: How Design Research Impacts Our World

Presented by Nate Bolt. Interaction design has a fascinating relationship with qualitative research. Everyone from the government to startups to tech giants now have teams of user researchers attempting to understand the way individuals, groups, and communities use their interfaces. We'll go over eight examples of current UX/design research patterns and the impact on products we use and the world around us. Examples will include the California State Food Assistance program; military radar interfaces, Facebook's approximately 100 UX researchers and what they do; and a few others that might surprise ya.

5:15 PM - 5:45 PM

Closing remarks
