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Karyn Zuidinga

Innovation Consultant, NextWAVE Innovation Inc
Photo of Karyn Zuidinga

About Karyn and her talk

Generating Positive Turbulence to make space for Difference

For more than two decades as a User Experience Designer, Strategist, Innovator, and Entrepreneur, I’ve been helping organizations better understand their customers and evolve their businesses for the digital space. This experience has given me a front-row seat to the turbulence that is digital technology. I believe how we respond to, leverage, humanize and adapt to these changes is one of the fundamental questions of our time.

I have also seen that it doesn’t matter how creative, innovative, or just plain great an idea is if the organization is not ready to receive new ideas. Design thinking will not help. No amount of research-based insight will persuade. It's like throwing seeds on concrete.

There is a powerful concept, based on organizational development principles, that has the power to transform that concrete to healthy, fertile soil: it's called Positive Turbulence.

I will explore how generating positive turbulence can shift the narrative from fighting constraints to considering opportunities.

Find out more about Karyn at NextWAVE Innovation and LinkedIn.

As a speaker

  • User Research and Testing
  • Content strategy
  • Communication
  • Product Design
  • Collaboration
  • Facilitation
  • User Experience