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Sergio Estella

Chief Design Officer, Vizzuality
Sergio Estella

Sergio Estella co-founded Vizzuality, a mission-driven data visualisation firm with international impact in projects directly related with Sustainability, Environment, Biodiversity and Human Rights. With offices in Madrid, Cambridge, Washington D.C. and Porto, Vizzuality has worked with UN agencies and organisations across the world such as the World Resources Institute, The World Bank, NASA, Oceana, or Google. Their work on SDG 13 climate action was recently recognised by a go!ODS award from the Spanish Global Compact Network and the United Nations.

As Chief Design Officer and responsible of Products at Vizzuality, Sergio’s work flows through data visualisation, information design, with a special focus on user-centered design in order to create tools that inspire and empower people to take action and fight for Humanity.
