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Clementina Gentile

Business Analyst, Service Designer, Digitaal Vlaanderen
Clementina Gentile

Clementina is currently a business analyst and service designer at Digitaal Vlaanderen.

Formerly she was chapter owner of a team of Business and Service designers at Proximus. Her main role was to support the team in developing strong strategic and service design skills, besides participating as a business and service designer in key strategic initiatives.

At Proximus she also contributed as UX and Service designer to several projects like Pickx tv and Digital Know-Your-Customer.
In the past she worked as a consultant in a design agency in Brussels (Namahn), being involved in UX and service design projects for clients like Sony, the Flemish government and the European Commission.

She was co-chair of the EuroIA19 conference, featuring speakers like Mike Monteiro and Vivianne Castillo. She has been involved in the organisation of World IA Day in the past, first as a local organiser and then as a regional coordinator. She is a public speaker at international events like EuroIA, RSD5 and IA Summit 2016.

In her free time, she collaborates with Osmos network, applying system thinking and participatory techniques in the context of community-based projects.

As a speaker